National Flower of Kyrgyzstan | Tulip Flower of Kyrgyzstan

Biological Name
The biological name of this flower is Tulipa. This is actually the name of the genus to which the flowers belong.
The color of these flowers is red, yellow, or white.
The flowers are cup-shaped and the petals and sepals are present together. This forms a tepal. These tepals have a blotch at their base.
The flower is native to European regions and Asia.
National Flower of Kyrgyzstan
The National flower of Kyrgyzstan is Tulip.
Tulip Information
Flowers from this genus are large and showy. They have bright colors such as shades of red, white, and yellow. Since the petals and sepals are present oftener, they are called tepals. These have a blotch at the base which is of a different color than the flower. The classification in this genera is quite complex because the flowers have been cultivated for hundreds of years now and different cultivars have been produced.
Tulip belongs to the family Liliaceae. In the family, there are 14 other genera. It is thought that the name of this flower comes from Persian. The word ‘turban’ is where the name for tulip comes from. Tulips are adapted to living in mountainous areas where the climate is temperate.
Tulip Facts and Uses
- Tulip has been grown for centuries now and they are naturalized now.
- Throughout the world, they are used as ornamental flowers and even as cut flowers.
- Tulips are particularly grown by people for their beautiful color.
Tulip Medicinal Uses
The historical references do not show much information about the use of tulips for medicine. It is assumed that this was because the flower was expensive back then and could not be crushed for medicine.
Tulip Flower Art
The tulip is a popular garden flower. It is also used for decorations and is used on many occasions as a decorative plant.