National Flower of Syria | Jasmine Flower of Syria

Biological Name
The biological name of this flower is Jasminium. It belongs to the olive family.
The flowers are white in color.
The petals are small and spread out. They are scented.
The flower is native to regions in Oceania and Australia.
National Flower of Syria:
Jasmine is the national flower of Syria.
Jasmine Information:
Jasmine plants can be deciduous or evergreen. When it is evergreen, it stays green throughout the year and when it is deciduous, the leaves start to fall during the autumn season. It belongs to the family of vines and shrubs but it can also be erect. Jasmines may also be spreading in nature. The leaves are oppositely and alternately arranged. They can be simple leaves or pinnate ones.
The flowers are small ranging to 2.5 cm in diameter. Normally, the National flowers are yellow or white but they may also be slightly red, although this is very rare. Flowers grow as cymose which is a cluster of flowers. Sometimes, they may also grow alone at the ends of branches or branches lets. The number of petals in each flower ranges from four to nine. There are four ovules in each flower and two stamens are present. The calyx in each flower is bell-shaped and the flowers are scented.
Jasmine Facts and Uses:
- Jasmine fruit is a berry and it is black in color when ripe.
- Jasmine is naturally diploid but polyploidy forms are also present.
- In Asian regions, women wear Jasmine flowers in their hair.
- The flowers of this plant are used as cut flowers and grown in the house for their smell.
- In China, tea is made from Jasmine flowers.
Jasmine Medicine Uses:
There are no known medicinal uses of the flower.
Jasmine Flower art:
The flower is grown for decoration around the house and as a hair accessory.