Biological Name:
The biological name of this flower is Rosa polyantha.
The color of this flower is pink.
Many petals are present in a single flower to form a whorl. When touched, these flowers are soft in texture.
The flower is native to the Maldives and surrounding regions.
National Flower of Maldives:
Many countries have the rose as their national flower but the Maldives especially has the Pink rose as the national flower.
Pink Rose Information:
This pretty rose species blooms starting from June to the colder seasons. The flower shape is double rosette and the shade of pink is quite light. The plant grows up to 3 feet high and the width is of the same dimensions. The plant forms clusters of flowers and they may be single or double. These clusters start forming in the summer season and last until fall. However, these are not fragrant like the red roses.
These roses are often grown as borders or on hedges because they are resultant to diseases. The plant thrives well in fertile soil that is moist. The soil must also have a good drainage system. These flowers grow best when they are kept in partial shade or full sun. The fallen leaves can make the plant susceptible to disease so these need to be removed from time to time.
Related: Nation Flower
Pink Rose Facts and Uses:
- If you want to grow the flowers, you need to start growing them in early spring and prune the flower.
- You can also take cuttings when the bloom starts in the spring season and during the summer seasons, the same cuttings can be taken.
- However, during the autumns season, you need to take hardwood cuttings.
Pink Rose Medicine Uses:
The flower is more preferably grown for Ornamental Reasons than medicinal ones.
Pink Rose Flower Art:
The flower is grown widely for ornamental reasons and is even used in decoration.