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EuropeMaltese Centaury

National Flower of Malta | Maltese Centaury Flower of Malta

Biological Name

The biological name of this flower is Cheirolophus crassifolius.


The flowers of this plant are fuchsia is color.


The petals are thin and thread-like. They are small up to 5cm.


The flower is native to Malta.

National Flower of Malta

The Maltese Centaury is the national flower of Malta.

Maltese Centaury Information

The flower is endangered and is protected by the law of the country. It is scarce and is found in the wild. It grows well in the cliffs of Malta. Sometimes, the flower is also seen on the cliffs of Gozo. A region called Wied Babu, which is present on the south-eastern side of Malta has this flower growing there too.

The flower was found and described by the botanist Stefano Zerafa. Genetic studies were done on the flower after which it was put in a different genus from the one that Zerafa put it in. The scientific name of this plant explains a bit about its characteristics. The word “Cheirolophus” means Hand crest.

Maltese Centaury

This explains the bracts that are hand-shaped at tips. The species name means thick leaves. This refers to succulent leaves. These are shaped like spoons. The plants hold a lot of national importance and the Maltese Centaury was named the national flower of the country in 1973.

Maltese Centaury Facts and Uses

  • The plant belongs to the family Asteraceae.
  • It is endangered because of habitat loss.
  • The natural habitat of this plant is in coastal valleys and reefs.

Maltese Centaury Medicine Uses

There are no known medicinal uses of the flower.

Maltese Centaury Flower Art

Since its natural habitat is reefs and coastal valleys, the flower is not grown for many ornamental purposes. Its main significance is as the national flower.

Maltese Centaury Flower Art


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