National Flower of Slovakia | Rose flower of Slovakia

Biological name:
The biological name of this genus is Rosa.
The flowers are present in various colors ranging from red to white and pink. Black roses are rare but are the most magnificent flowers.
The petals form a whorl.
The flowers are mainly native to Asia but a few species are also found in Europe and America.
National Flower of Slovakia:
Rose is the national flower of Slovakia. It is the national flower of many countries around the world because of its beauty and grace.
Rose information:
The flower has a hundred species but there are thousands of cultivars present all around the world. Roses are one of the most popular flowers in the world because of their symbolic importance and their scent. They have a fragrance and they appear beautiful growing in gardens and parks.
Rose is perinea and woody plant. The stem of the plant had prickles on it. Rose is a symbol of love and affection around the globe. It is used as a gift and is also used for decoration on festive occasions. In some Asian countries, people spread rose petals on the graves of their loved ones for fragrance and as a symbol of affection and love.
Roses Facts and uses:
- Roses are used to make rose water which is extensively used in home remedies related to hair and skin health.
- The flower is used in decorations at weddings and is essential in bouquets.
Related: National Flower by Country
Rose medicine uses:
Rose flower is effective against the problems of the digestive tract and the intestine. This is why it is used in the treatment of any infection in these areas.
Rose Flower Art:
Rose is used as an ornamental flower for decoration and is also used in different art forms around the world.